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Q&A with coach Baumer of Bellbrook High’s track and CC teams
Pictured is Mike Baumer with number 543. (Courtesy: Teresa Havens)

Q&A with coach Baumer of Bellbrook High’s track and CC teams

BELLBROOK, Ohio — A Q&A with Bellbrook High School track and cross country coach, Mike Baumer.

High School attended: Fairmont East “77”
College attended: Wright State University class of 1982 & 1985.
Coaching positions: Fairmont East fall 1982 as Assistant HS XC coach, Head Junior high Coach, 15 years at Wright State, fall 1984 through Spring 1999. Bellbrook Cross Country since Fall 2013, Bellbrook Spring Track since Spring of 2015.

Courtesy: Teresa Havens

How do you define a winning season?
Mike Baumer: “That the athletes truly improve as athletes and as people. When they realize that fun can come from hard work and dedication.”

What is your philosophy on running?
Baumer: “There is no “quick” path to a goal. It takes time and commitment, sometimes years to get the results you strive for.”

What is a key lesson you have learned in coaching youth?
Baumer: “No day is ever the same, everyone is different and brings that each day.”

What life lesson do you want your players to take away from your sport?
Baumer: “Always be ready for the unknown. Today prepares you for tomorrow.”

Tell me about your favorite coach.
Baumer: “Bob Schul, WSU, 1964 Olympic Champion 5000 Meters.

Favorite pro team?
Baumer: “Cincinnati Reds and Bengals”

When Mike was asked to coach at the high school in 2013, He checked with his wife, (of 32 years) Julie, as he knew that coaching would be taking time away from her. She said to “go for it”. She thought it would be something he could do in retirement, which he still hasn’t done.

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