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Niceville High’s Noah Harman eager to throw far this track & field season
Courtesy: Christina Chittenden

Niceville High’s Noah Harman eager to throw far this track & field season


Name: Noah Harman

Age: 18

Sport: Track and Field

Sports participated in: Track and Field, Football

Years in current sport: 6

Team/s: Niceville High School

School: Niceville High School

Grade/Year: 12

Noah Harman’s personal goals when it comes to sports is to win another State Championship as a team with Niceville High School. Secondly, he aspires to place first in the state in shotput. Lastly, he would like to finish in the top 8 in the state for discus. His college goal is to contribute to an Ivy League Championship as a part of the Cornell University Track and Field Team.

Courtesy: Christina Chittenden

For Noah, throwing is an individual sport in many respects. “You compete against your personal best marks,” he adds. “However, there is also a team component – we are there to encourage, push and support each other in order to benefit the team as a whole. As cliché as it may sound, being a member of a team has taught me that ‘Together Everyone Achieves More.”

Before every meet, Noah listens to his pre-game playlist and reflects on the specific things he needs to do to succeed that day.

Emily Webb, Noah’s current coach, has taught him the value of rest. Understanding that his performance can actually be negatively impacted by over-working was something that Noah needed to be told. Outside of sports, school and gym time, he enjoys using that rest and relaxation to spend time with friends and family.

“My biggest challenge has been continuously improving my form,” says Noah. “I accomplish this by applying the old adage, ‘iron sharpens iron’, as well as practicing with similarly talented and driven teammates.”

Noah recalls a time when, during a District meet, he made the mistake of not turning his right foot in for his first three throws. “With only one chance remaining to qualify for the Regional meet, I was a nervous wreck!” he says. “I took a time out and met with my coach, who was calm and gave me direction so that I was able to regain focus and perform at my best.”

A coach once encouraged Noah with the following words that have since driven his success: “If you can’t run, you jog; if you can’t jog you walk; if you can’t walk, you crawl.” The lesson to always persevere towards your goal, no matter the limitations, is something Noah will carry with him for life.

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