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Charles Mitchell: A lifetime dedicated to soccer
Credit: Charles Mitchell

Charles Mitchell: A lifetime dedicated to soccer

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Charles Mitchell started playing soccer when he was 6 years old and started coaching as a senior in high school. He has now been coaching for 35 years! He is the owner and operator of The Soccer Farm, the Coach of the Wilmington Christian Academy boys’ team, and currently also volunteers with Surf City Recreation to build their soccer referee program.

Credit: Charles Mitchell

He told us, “I have been blessed to see this sport from so many perspectives and levels. I am currently writing a book about the last 45 years of US soccer. Highlights of that time have been playing abroad in Ottawa, Canada, for the Nepean Hotspurs, a National Championship with Clemson University, professional player in the USISL, and various adult amateur tournaments and matches that continue today. I have worked at all levels as a USSF Referee for more than 25 years in over 800 professional and collegiate matches, both national and international. I have also served on many soccer and referee boards.”

We asked Charles what he does in training that help teams become successful. He shared, “Before the first practice, we establish the team culture, expectations, goals, and various other paths for the team’s direction that season. This has to be an open conversation with players, parents, and administrators. During training, be committed, confident, and flexible. As a coach, I tell my teams that we don’t have problems, only wrinkles, and we can iron those out.”

When we asked how he encourages the team after a loss, he said, “Encouragement is daily. Feed the mind with good things. As a coach, my mindset and team culture do not focus on win/loss. There are too many factors outside our control that can affect a win or loss… a crazy bounce, a bad call, or an inadvertent mud puddle. After the game I ask, ‘What are your thoughts on that performance?’ Players are very good at self-analysis. The more you test them, the better they get.”

As a coach, Charles told us about the most memorable tournament his team has won. “We took a young club team from Wilmington to The Virginian Tournament and were placed in the top bracket with more than 32 teams in our age group. We were told at the registration table that we were out of our league playing against the DC/Virginia/Maryland teams. Then we won four straight games, finishing off the tournament by winning the Championship game. For the next 3 years, the tournament offered to waive our entry fee if we would come back and play. We playfully replied that we were looking for something more competitive.”

In describing his proudest coaching moment, Charles shared, “Players are the ones that step up and make the moments. Coaches point the direction, give instruction, and encourage the players to be brave. I have had the privilege to hear a coach come address our team after his team lost 9-0 and say, ‘Despite the score, our players tell me they love playing your team because you treat them with respect regardless of the score.’”

Charles talked to us about The Soccer Farm. “My mission is to help push the game of soccer forward in the United States. I saw opening The Soccer Farm as a way to reach every level of soccer. The Soccer Farm allows teams, groups, or individuals a chance to have a large span of time and space to train and bond. My slogan is ‘Skills are built on the field. Teams are built around conversations at dinner.’ Each year we have various teams that play at different levels and skill sets that train at The Soccer Farm. We offer week-long preseason camps and weekends right before a big tournament. Each camp is designed especially for that group/team. We have a lot of repeat business, and our training works well because teams are not stuck in a small area. Less time is wasted traveling back and forth to the practice site. Nutritional fueling and hydration are constant, and more time can be spent learning to warm up and recover properly. Additionally, there is indoor space for chalk talks and discussions and allows for training regardless of the weather. The ability to stay overnight helps with rest and recovery, team bonding, and great space for downtime in between training sessions.

We asked Charles for the legacy he hopes to leave, and he said, “We all have the ability and opportunity to help, encourage, and inspire others. Set goals so big, only God can help you reach them. I hope when I am no longer around and my name is mentioned, people smile and laugh from a positive memory. I pray that people saw my light shine and knew the reason for my hope.”

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