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Darya Mironova BVM Sports User Submission
Englewood volleyball kicks off season with a win

Englewood volleyball kicks off season with a win

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Englewood High School Volleyball teams, both varsity and JV, played their first games of the 2022-2023 season against opponents from Westside High School. EHS Varsity won all three sets: 25-15, 25-16, 25-17.

Courtesy: Darya Mironova

Season openers should be loud and fun. That was the case for the Rams on Tuesday night. The audience was cheering on both ends. The home team got all the support it needed from families and Englewood HS football players.
While Westside Wolverines were sharp and focused in the first set, Englewood Rams worked even harder on blocks and serves.

Courtesy: Darya Mironova

The Rams comfortable lead didn’t last long as the Wolverines made it even, 8-8. It was a point-to-point game for a few minutes, but the Rams finished the set 25-15.

The Wolverines stayed positive and pushy in their pursuit to happiness even after a slow start in the second set. Eventually, teams attacks got longer and more impulsive. Any sport is about mistakes and athletes or teams reaction to those errors. The Rams were calm and confident.

Courtesy: Darya Mironova

Cynthia Bateh is a true athletic veteran and the Rams coach made her points clear:

  • don’t hesitate when you change,
  • help each other.

And her team listened, 25-16.

The third set started with three straight points by the Wolverines. “You gotta help each other”, – coach Bateh repeated.

Courtesy: Darya Mironova

4-4 was the most important score of the night. Take it or leave it. Have you ever played volleyball for an hour and a half? Anyone will get tired. Overtimes were used for a short regrouping and deep breath. Those girls on the court were doing an amazing job supporting each other and making their schools proud. It was a great battle of two Jacksonville’s volleyball teams and an emotional recharge for everyone in the stands.

The Rams are very excited about a new volleyball season and ready to share the best moments with everyone. If you want to learn more about the team and volleyball, follow the Rams on Instagram: @ramsvolley

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