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Get to know new Jamestown HS athletic director Matthew Moore

Get to know new Jamestown HS athletic director Matthew Moore

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — Jamestown High School has a new athletic director for the 2022-2023 school year, Matthew Moore.

Matthew grew up in Southwest Virginia and was previously the athletic director of Smithfield High School.

“When Kenny Edwards decided to retire and move closer to family in New Hampshire, I inquired with him about the position because serving as an athletic director of a premier and historic athletic program like Jamestown High was one of my career goals,” Matthew says.

As a child, Matthew played basketball, football, baseball, and soccer, among other sports.

“I come from an athletic family,” he says. “My dad played minor league baseball for the Pirates and my sister played college basketball and now coaches a high school team in Cary, North Carolina. I played high school basketball and golf, but my focus was tennis, where I earned an athletic scholarship to Bluefield University in Bluefield, Virginia.”

He played four years of collegiate tennis and earned bachelor’s degrees in marketing communications and in sports administration.

“I started coaching during college at a local high school and was hooked on the competitive nature of that side of athletics, as well as the ability to help student athletes learn a skill,” he says. “To see the ‘lightbulb’ come on when they learned to hit a slice serve or a drop shot was just an amazing feeling as a coach.”

Matthew moved to the Hampton Roads area in 2014. He served as the Director of Advancement at Trinity Lutheran School in Newport News before joining the faculty at Smithfield High School. He was a teacher and coached cross country and track and field for four years at Smithfield High before being named Athletic Director in 2019.

As the new Athletic Director at Jamestown High, Matthew wants “to continue to build on the successes of the athletic program over the last few years, while establishing an aggressive capital and strategic five-year plan to hopefully improve facilities and allow programs to grow,” he says. “We’ve seen a growth in our football program this fall and being able to support that growth to become more sustainable is one of my immediate goals to achieve.”

Matthew is looking forward to getting to know the Jamestown High School student athletes and their families.

“I love how welcoming the Jamestown community has been,” he says. “The best part of working with young athletes is that they are always ready to compete. I also enjoy how athletics provide opportunities for some student athletes that they may not have elsewhere, whether that is a special award or a college scholarship.”

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