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Lake Orion HS boys soccer team ties Summit Academy
Courtesy: Minna Plattenberger

Lake Orion HS boys soccer team ties Summit Academy

LAKE ORION, Mich. — The Lake Orion Varsity soccer team tied with Summit Academy Thursday evening, September 29, one-to-one on Lake Orion’s home soccer field. The weather was chilly enough for a light blanket and gloves, a freshman football game played behind the soccer field and the stands were full of spectators awaiting a big LO win.

“We are a more technical team,” the Coach for the Lake Orion soccer team, Jason Wise, said, “Typical Lake Orion students are always a big athletic team, but we started adding technical strategies to our games.”

In addition to the strategic method, the worry of graduating seniors, which make up ¾ of the team, has Wise searching for potential from the lowerclassman soccer teams.

“We have a couple of good young classes, the JV team has been playing really well, and so has the freshman team,” Wise said.

Wise said the team’s goals are to compete and contend for elite championships and they plan to battle in districts.

Wise said, “We have one of the toughest districts in the area, ours and the Detroit area have got to be the top two districts.”

According to Anais Pillot, a senior on the LO team, the team relies on every person as a key role in their strategy. They plan their path according to how the other team plays then adjust techniques based on the other player’s moves.

“If one person is off, it could change the whole course of (action),” Pillot, said.

With the success of technique and strategy, there also lies room for anxiety. Goalkeeper Toby Archer overcomes his anxiety by trying to stay calm, staying ready, and zoning in. Archer works on concentrating on the ball rather than overthinking the task.

“In games, I make many mistakes, sometimes I miss saves. I just have to come back and get into the right position next time,” Archer said.

Another challenge the team faces are opponents’ large defenders.

“You’re going to make a lot of mistakes. It’s whether or not you want to learn from them or let that mistake control a missed outcome of the game,” Matias Bellina-Loza, a freshman on the LO team, said.

According to Wise, overall, the team put effort into their run and overcame difficult challenges such as the anxiety of making their coaches proud. They carefully planned and executed their strategies and adjusted well to Summit Academies’ play. In the end, they kept up a good defense and offense, allowing the team to not have to mourn a loss.

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