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Q&A with John Glenn HS soccer player Landon Kogelman
Courtesy: Kogelman family

Q&A with John Glenn HS soccer player Landon Kogelman

BAY CITY, Mich. — A Q&A with Landon Kogelman who is a soccer player at John Glenn High School.

Courtesy: Kogelman family

Age: 15

Sports participated in: Soccer, Basketball, Wrestling

Years in current sport: 11 years in soccer, travel team

Grade/Year: Sophomore/10th grade

Courtesy: Kogelman family

What are your personal goals and athletic dreams?

Landon Kogelman: My personal goal for soccer is to play at a college level.

What has being a member of a team taught you?

Kogelman: Being a member of the team has taught me leadership skills, communicating, trusting others, and being more positive.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received from a coach or mentor?

Kogelman: To play with passion. This always reminds me that I play soccer to have fun and make a fun bonding experience with my teammates. And to fight until the last second. There’s no reason to ever give up on yourself or your teammates. Win or lose, when you walk off that field you know you left it all out there and gave it your all.

What do you like to do outside of your sport?

Kogelman: Outside of soccer, I like to go golfing, fishing, and hang out with my friends and my girlfriend. I would say my personality is more laid back and quiet, I’m driven and ambitious. One saying I like to live by is, “Work hard, play hard.”

Anything else you’d like to share?

Kogelman: I’ve played center defense most of my soccer career and have grown to love it. I’ve had some amazing coaches throughout the years who have pushed me and believed in me. I believe coaches are a huge part of an athlete’s growth, and I have been very fortunate to have Patty Beson, Rob Clark, and Brian Scherzer as some of my coaches.

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