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East Central HS girls XC team finishes season strong
Courtesy: Jill Bingham

East Central HS girls XC team finishes season strong

ST. LEON, Ind. — The last race of the 2022 East Central High School Cross Country season took place at the Lavern Gibson Championship Cross Country Course. The race took less than half an hour, but the build up for the race was a week of experiences that these young ladies will never forget.

Coach Cotherman tapered the workouts for this week, striving to allow the ladies to perform at their best with rested legs. The team had motivational talks almost every day and were spoiled with chocolate milk and treats after each day’s workout.

The week was abuzz with preparation and details for the two-day event. The entire girls team was treated to a trip to Terre Haute. There were many discussions about hotels, rooming, dinners, packing and of course new State-Qualifier t-shirts.

The ECHS School administration went out of their way to create a powerful and memorable send off. On Friday, the girls were assembled at 10:30am with the school marching band to parade through the entire school. All of the East Central students were lining the hallways as the girls, dressed in their new state qualifier t-shirts, made their way with pride through the hallways to cheers and well-wishes. The girls then had another send off of parents, relatives, and friends at the Shell Gas Station. Then it was a two hour drive in a school bus to Terre Haute. The team arrived at the National Course for a warm up and preview of the course. The practice ended with a tour of the IATCC Cross Country Hall of Fame and a private motivational session with an Olympian. After an Italian dinner, the girls tried to close their eyes and get some sleep on one of the most exciting nights of their lives!

As the sun rose, so did the ECHS runners. They dressed, ate, and packed up. Then it was off to the Lavern Gibson Course. The weather was beyond ideal and the course was in great condition. The crowd of fans began to grow, and surrounding the ECHS tent was a pack of at least 40 family members and friends there to support the girls.

Each girl got ready as a team and individually prior to heading to the line. They were assigned to box number 11, right next to the defending champion from Bishop Chatard High School, Lily Cridge. Prior to the race the girls offered to pray with Lily and turned to the Lord right before this amazing event.

The starting pistol went off, and the 208 runners stampeded to the first turn. There is a half mile straightaway prior to a small downhill at the start of the course. Callie Bentley strove to get out in the front, but the pace was grueling.  She settled into about 25th place and remained there for the majority of the race. The Course takes a small uphill at the mile and then levels off. It was at this point in the race that Rachel Campbell and Anabelle McDonald found each other and began to run with each other as senior leaders. Addie Brewer and Emily Klem were not too far behind. After the next half-mile, which is a downhill, comes the hardest part of the course: a steep uphill of 800 meters. All of the girls struggled, but all of them knew that everyone was in the same pain and all that mattered in the end is who was willing to fight. Jocelyn and Kendall were also in the fight and made progress. After the uphill, the course levels off but has several turns that lead to the ultimate 400 meter flat finish.

This long straight away is very challenging for many runners. The ECHS ladies fought several battles and lost a few on this stretch.

As the team crossed the finish line, there was disappointment, joy and a sense of accomplishment. When a runner crosses the line, there is no going back. You cannot redo your run.  It is finished! Anabelle and Rachel crossed knowing this was their last High School Cross Country Race. But, they knew they had made it to state, led a team, and made history!

The team regrouped and made their way back to the team camp. Unlike last week, no one knew the results.  How did we do?  Did we place well as a team?

The team eventually got things together and made their way to the awards amphitheater. Going into the race, the team was predicted/seeded to place 17th or 18th. As they began announcing the team standings of the 24 teams, they only announced the top 20.  So the suspense began.  20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15…at this point Coach Cotherman and Coach Fr. Meyer began to think maybe the girls placed 21-24; but then it was announced: 13th place- East Central!

What an accomplishment!  These girls won the EIAC, Sectional, Conference, Qualified for State and then placed 13th!  There are 682 high schools in Indiana, and they are the 13th fastest team!

As reality began to settle in for the girls, and the Coaches affirmed their accomplishments there was another unique opportunity.  Lily Cridge had just finished a press interview after winning her second State title.  The girls had talked to her prior to the race, and the opportunity was there again, so all the girls, with Lily, took a knee and had an opportunity to allow gratitude to fill the air and their hearts.  Gratitude for: parents, coaches, teammates, their bodies, lungs, hearts, muscles, memories, opportunities and the JOY of this season!  It was a powerful way to end the day!

This season saw fast times- in fact some of the fastest in ECHS history.  Here is the new top ten!  To have 5 young ladies from this team in the Top 10 is Amazing!  To have Callie Bentley tie a 15 year old record is the icing on the cake!  As this season comes to a close, there were memories made, lives changed, and seeds planted!

Congratulations to all the runners, blessings to our seniors, and GO TROJANS!

1Kristal Studer18:352007
2Callie Bentley18:352022
3Abby Bittner19:012015
4Lauren Greiwe19:122015
5Rachel Campbell19:12.72022
6Anabelle McDonald19:40.82022
7Lindsey Bauman19:432007
8Emily Klem19:56.82022
9Addie Brewer19:58.42022
10Emilee Wedding20:002017
11Julia Thomas20:082011
12Krystal Barnhorst20:092008
13Hannah Messmore20:242007

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