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Groupama-FDJ manager Marc Madiot denies accusations of French riders seen drinking beer during Tour de France rest day

Key points:

  • Marc Madiot, manager of Groupama-FDJ, has strongly denied accusations by Jumbo-Visma manager Richard Plugge that French riders were seen drinking beer on a rest day during the Tour de France.
  • Madiot defended his team, stating that the riders were not drinking beer and were focused on their training and performance.
  • Madiot criticized Plugge for his comments and refused to engage in a conversation with him.

Groupama-FDJ manager Marc Madiot vehemently denies claims made by Jumbo-Visma manager Richard Plugge that French riders were seen drinking beer on the Tour de France rest day. Madiot describes the accusations as ‘shabby’ and asserts that his riders were only drinking Perrier water. He emphasizes that the performance of his team speaks for itself, with strong showings in the time trial and breakaway stages.


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Groupama-FDJ manager Marc Madiot denies accusations of French riders seen drinking beer during Tour de France rest day

Marc Madiot blasts Jumbo-Visma manager for claims that French riders drank beer on Tour de France rest day

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