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Dominant Georgia Bulldogs Win Season Opener 48-7 against Tennessee Martin

Key points:

  • Georgia Bulldogs win their season opener against Tennessee Martin with a 48-7 score
  • The team faced challenges and critics despite the dominant victory
  • The game provided therapy for the team after a tumultuous offseason

Georgia Bulldogs kick off their season with a dominant win against Tennessee Martin, but fans and media are still nitpicking their performance. Despite the victory, Georgia didn’t meet its own high standard and has plenty to work on. However, the most significant takeaway from the game is the therapeutic effect of playing after a challenging offseason filled with negative headlines and tragedies. The Bulldogs honored their fallen teammates before kickoff and showcased their resilience on the field. It remains to be seen how the offseason distractions will impact Georgia’s season, but they are determined to overcome any obstacles.

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Dominant Georgia Bulldogs Win Season Opener 48-7 against Tennessee Martin

Schultz: Georgia wasn’t perfect, but it just needed to play a game after offseason turmoil

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