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IndyCar Teams Recruiting F2 Drivers for Talent Development in Growing Competition

Key points:

  • IndyCar teams are increasingly turning to F2 drivers for talent development
  • Christian Lundgaard's success has opened doors for other F2 graduates in IndyCar
  • Competition between F2 and domestic talent in IndyCar is growing

IndyCar teams are looking to Formula 1 juniors as they search for future talents. Christian Lundgaard, a former F2 driver, made a big impact during a one-off appearance in IndyCar, leading to more F2 graduates joining the series. F2 driver Callum Ilott is leading the upstart Juncos Hollinger Racing team, while Marcus Armstrong is leading the Rookie of the Year standings with Chip Ganassi Racing. Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing is considering adding F2 driver Juri Vips to their lineup, highlighting the increased interest in F2 drivers. The shift in interest is due to the fewer opportunities for Indy NXT drivers to gain oval racing experience.


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IndyCar Teams Recruiting F2 Drivers for Talent Development in Growing Competition

IndyCar is looking to F1 juniors to be tomorrow's talents

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