The Poly boys water polo team had a successful season, with an overall record of 24-4 and an 8-0 record in the Prep League. They reached the quarterfinals of the CIF Division 3 playoffs but ultimately fell short of a win to Yucaipa with a score of 10-7.

Why It Matters

The team's cohesive play, skill development, and camaraderie led to their success in the regular season and high expectations for the playoffs. The lessons learned and experiences gained will benefit the players moving forward.

The Big Picture

Poly's boys water polo team demonstrated the importance of both physical prowess and tactical intelligence in the sport. Their coaches' strategic game plans and meticulous scouting reports set them apart from other teams.

By the Numbers
  • Overall record: 24-4
  • Prep League record: 8-0
  • Playoff wins against Agoura and Fountain Valley with a score of 13-8
  • Quarterfinal loss to Yucaipa with a score of 10-7
Yes, But

The team faced challenges with widespread illness during the postseason, but still managed to win two playoff games.

State of Play
  • Poly boys water polo team had a successful regular season and reached the quarterfinals of the CIF Division 3 playoffs
  • Fell short of a win to Yucaipa with a score of 10-7
  • The team's unity and camaraderie played a significant role in their success
Bottom Line

Poly's boys water polo team had a remarkable season, showcasing skill, unity, and determination. Despite falling short in the playoffs, the team's achievements highlight their commitment to excellence.