Bronny James, son of NBA player LeBron James, took part in pregame warmups with the University of Southern California (USC) basketball team. This comes after Bronny was cleared by doctors for a full return to basketball following a cardiac arrest four months ago. He showcased his skills during warmups, hitting seven consecutive 3-pointers and performing an impromptu dance move on the sideline. Although he did not play in the game, Bronny's presence on the court indicates that his collegiate debut is drawing closer. He is set to have a final evaluation with USC staff before resuming practice next week and is expected to play in games soon after.

Why It Matters

Bronny James' return to basketball after a cardiac arrest is a significant moment not only for him and his family but also for the USC basketball program. His presence on the court during warmups and his impending debut generate excitement and anticipation among fans and basketball enthusiasts.

The Big Picture

Bronny's journey back to the basketball court highlights the importance of cardiac health in athletes and raises awareness about congenital heart defects. It also showcases the strong bond between LeBron James and his son, as LeBron expressed his willingness to attend Bronny's first college game, prioritizing family over his own professional commitments.

State of Play
  • Bronny James participated in pregame warmups with the USC basketball team.
  • He hit seven consecutive 3-pointers during warmups and performed a dance move on the sideline.
  • He is expected to have a final evaluation with USC staff before resuming practice next week.
  • Bronny's collegiate debut is expected to happen soon after the evaluation.
Bottom Line

Bronny James' return to pregame warmups with the USC basketball team signals that his collegiate debut is approaching. His story highlights the significance of cardiac health in sports and showcases the support and dedication of his family.