Pinkerton Academy's Alex White, after recovering from a devastating knee injury, is back on the basketball court with an elevated IQ and renewed confidence. Her return, along with the experience of other key players, brings high expectations for Pinkerton's upcoming season.

Why It Matters

White's recovery and return to the team, along with the overall experience and talent of the players, significantly impact Pinkerton's prospects for the upcoming season, elevating the team's competitiveness and instilling optimism.

By the Numbers
  • White averaged about 7 points and 8 rebounds per game as a sophomore starter
  • Last year, Eagle-Tribune Super Teamer Liz Lavoie averaged 20.6 points, 7 rebounds, 4 steals, and 3 assists per game
State of Play
  • Pinkerton, led by a healthy White and experienced players, holds high expectations for the upcoming season
  • Salem is turning to younger players to lead the team due to the loss of senior players
  • Windham is poised to excel with strong inside play and additional depth
  • Pelham will rely on veterans to maintain competitive performance despite the loss of key players
  • Timberlane is undergoing a turnaround season under a new head coach
What's Next

Pinkerton's performance in the upcoming season will be closely watched to see how the return of key players, including White, influences the team's success and competitiveness.

Bottom Line

The return of Alex White and other experienced players significantly boosts Pinkerton's prospects, setting the stage for a promising basketball season with heightened expectations.