The NFL playoffs feature 23 Blue Streaks from John Carroll University on 10 teams, with 7 AFC playoff teams and 3 NFC teams showcasing the Blue Streak talent. This marks an increase from previous years, reflecting the strength and depth of the JCU pipeline to the NFL.

By the Numbers
  • 23 Blue Streaks on 10 teams in pursuit of Super Bowl LVIII
  • 7 AFC playoff teams and 3 NFC teams feature JCU alumni
The Big Picture

The increasing presence of JCU alumni in the NFL playoffs reflects the university's robust connection to the league and highlights the impact of its pipeline in shaping the professional football landscape.

State of Play
  • 7 AFC teams and 3 NFC teams in the playoffs feature JCU alumni
  • The Browns vs. Texans game comprises a total of 9 Blue Streaks, reflecting the strong representation of JCU talent within the league
What's Next

The continued success and increasing presence of JCU alumni in the NFL playoffs bode well for the university's reputation as a hub for developing top football talent, with potential implications for future recruitment and player development.

Bottom Line

The remarkable prevalence of JCU alumni in the NFL playoffs underscores the university's significant influence on the league, shaping the trajectory of football talent and showcasing the strength of its athletic programs.