Monte Vista's upcoming basketball season is generating excitement among students, with the team's performance last season setting high expectations. Despite the graduation and transfer of key players, the current team is off to a strong start with a 9-0 record and a 26th ranking in the state. The tradition of dressing up for games and themed student support adds to the electric atmosphere, creating a strong sense of community and shared experiences.

Why It Matters

The strong anticipation for the upcoming basketball season reflects the significant role sports play in Monte Vista's community, bringing students together and fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie. The team's performance and the enthusiastic support from fans contribute to a vibrant and memorable experience for everyone involved.

State of Play
  • Current men's team record is 9-0
  • Ranked 26th in the state
  • Themes for games create an electric atmosphere and a sense of community
Bottom Line

The upcoming basketball season at Monte Vista brings together students and community members, creating a vibrant and memorable experience fueled by the team's performance and enthusiastic fan support.