Colgate Football will host its annual Alumni of Color Networking event, where former players connect with and support current student-athletes of color, marking the third consecutive year of the occasion. The event, initiated by Coach Stan Dakosty in 2020, provides a weekend-long networking opportunity, allowing alumni to share insights and guidance while reconnecting with the current team.

Why It Matters

The event offers support and guidance to current student-athletes of color, fostering connections, and providing valuable life lessons from influential alumni within the Colgate Football community.

By the Numbers
  • Third consecutive year of the Alumni of Color Networking event
  • Former players engage with and support current student-athletes of color
State of Play
  • Event aimed at providing support and mentorship to current student-athletes of color
  • Anticipation is high for the upcoming third edition of the event in April
What's Next

Players are looking forward to reconnecting with alumni, sharing experiences, and gaining knowledge for the rest of their time at Colgate.

Bottom Line

The Alumni of Color Networking event continues to serve as a valuable opportunity for former players to support, guide, and connect with current student-athletes of color, strengthening the sense of community within the Colgate Football program.