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Unified in a new tradition: Mainland’s Army-Navy game
The first annual Mainland Army-Navy soccer game. (Courtesy: Mainland Regional High School)

Unified in a new tradition: Mainland’s Army-Navy game

LINWOOD, N.J. — The annual Army-Navy game is an event steeped in tradition. It begins with dual-service flyovers and a drumline battle between marching bands. It ends with the combined singing of alma maters, first together on the losing side and then crossing the field to sing on the winner’s. That last tradition is arguably the most poignant, emphasizing camaraderie over competition—two service academies with one communal goal.

One school, one family, one community—Mainland Regional has long emphasized a similar sentiment. Working as one unit with diverse interests, accomplishments, and abilities, the school has built a reputation for excellence and inclusivity, best exemplified by its Unified Sports League.

According to Special Olympics organization: Unified Sports joins people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It was inspired by a simple principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding. The Unified Sports League at Mainland has hosted Ergathons, basketball leagues, and—for the first time this fall—its own version of the Army Navy game.

“I have gone to five Army Navy games,” shares Chris Mozitis, the Mainland in-school suspension supervisor and a 21-year Air National Guard reservist. “It’s such a wholesome event that really demonstrates the best in sports and it inspired my idea to host a similar event at Mainland.”

Mozitis approached Athletic Director Mike Gatley with his idea to combine the Unified Sports League and the Support Our Troops club in an indoor soccer game inspired by the same traditions celebrated at the Army Navy game. The participants would learn about the storied rivalry and take part in their own version.

With the administration’s encouragement, Mozitis’s idea for another inclusive event at Mainland quickly mushroomed as other groups within the school also pitched in. Just like the Army Navy game, the event began with the singing of the National Anthem, performed by the Mainland choir under the direction of Jennifer Camillo. Choreographer and dance teacher Clare Eger organized the halftime performance, and director Derek Rohaly had his band students play “Anchors Aweigh” and “The Army Goes Rolling Along” as the teams charged onto the court.

Film club advisor and history teacher Mr. Chris Dennis and his crew created a pro-Army spirit video with Support Our Troops club members as actors. Librarian Shannah Smith and the Bake club baked 175 cupcakes that were decorated in Army and Navy colors and given out to the audience. Led by coach Jessica Gonzalez, Mainland Cheerleading electrified the crowd while encouraging both sides, organizing a wave, and displaying posters for the various players.

“Having so many different groups contribute was what made the event a success and why we’d like to see it become an annual event,” Mozitis reflects. “We also had representatives from both the Army and Navy send us shirts and banners, as well as giveaways for the crowd, and about 10 active Army and Navy personnel attend the game.”

In the end, all who participated left the day with a win. The Support Our Troops club gained new members, the volunteers relished time well spent, and the athletes enjoyed well-deserved plaudits from a Mustang crowd that celebrates everyone in their collective corral.

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