Half of Marquette's women's tennis team moved overseas to pursue their passion for the sport, leaving behind their homes to become Golden Eagles, a decision they do not regret.

The Big Picture

The players faced challenges adapting to a new country, culture, and college experience, with varying struggles such as language barriers, differences in practice intensity, and the shift from playing individually to being part of a team.

By the Numbers
  • Three Americans were part of the team when Kaiser joined Marquette.
  • Windbuchler now practices nearly four hours daily at Marquette, a significant increase from her previous practice routine of an hour and a half every other day.
State of Play
  • The women, comprising more than half international students, found solace in the supportive community at Marquette.
  • Windbuchler highlighted the intensity of coaching at the college level, emphasizing the difference in practice styles compared to her home country.
What's Next

As the players continue to navigate life as student-athletes abroad, they are set to further develop their skills, foster relationships with their teammates, and embrace the unique opportunities presented by competing at the collegiate level.

Bottom Line

The journey of Marquette's women's tennis players reflects the resilience, camaraderie, and growth that come with pursuing athletic dreams in a foreign land, underscoring the importance of community support and personal determination in overcoming challenges.