Shenandoah’s Jenna Burdorf has had a stellar four-sport career, with softball reigning as her top choice among volleyball, basketball, and track and field. Burdorf is part of a select group of area seniors who have excelled in four or more sports during high school, having been actively involved in these sports since elementary school. Her love for softball stems from the joy it brings, with her parents' influence also playing a significant role in her journey.

By the Numbers
  • Burdorf has participated in four sports: softball, volleyball, basketball, and track and field.
  • She aims to break the single-season batting average record during her upcoming final season.
Yes, But State of Play
  • Burdorf is part of a senior group in Shenandoah that has actively participated in multiple sports throughout high school.
  • She plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa, majoring in Communication Disorders with a minor in American Sign Language.
  • Burdorf has learned valuable lessons in time management, teamwork, and adaptability through her involvement in various sports and activities.
What's Next

Burdorf aspires to pursue a Master’s in Speech Language Pathology after completing her undergraduate degree and hopes to work in a school setting.

Bottom Line

Jenna Burdorf's exceptional career showcases the value of dedication, teamwork, and passion in sports, preparing her for a promising future in her chosen field of study and career.