University School’s Raul Leyva, a sophomore, has displayed exceptional maturity, contributing 25 goals and 17 assists to the team's 15-3-2 season, ultimately reaching the regional semifinals. Despite a last-minute upset, Leyva views the season as a learning experience, emphasizing the team's youth and the loss as motivation for the future.

By the Numbers
  • Leyva scored 25 goals and provided 17 assists during the season.
  • University School's overall season record was 15-3-2.
State of Play
  • Raul Leyva and his team faced an unfortunate loss in the regional semifinals, culminating in a 1-0 defeat by Downtown Doral.
  • The team's relative youth and the impact of graduating players contributed to the challenging season.
  • Leyva sees the loss as motivation, expressing determination to come back stronger next year.
What's Next

Leyva and his team are focused on using the disappointing loss as motivation to work even harder next season, leveraging their experience and relative youth to grow as a team.

Bottom Line

Sophomore Raul Leyva's exceptional performance and mature leadership on the field have positioned him as a standout player, determined to turn the team's recent loss into motivation for future success.