Thousands of A's fans boycotted the team's potential last Opening Day at the Oakland Coliseum, protesting the impending move to Las Vegas and demanding the team be sold.

By the Numbers
  • 13,522 fans attended the game, marking the lowest Opening Day attendance in Oakland since 1979.
  • The Oakland United Coalition urged the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to terminate the agreement to sell half of the Oakland Coliseum complex land.
Yes, But

The A's owners have cited challenges in developing the Coliseum land, leading to frustration among local groups advocating for the community's interests.

State of Play
  • A's fans expressed emotional distress over the team's potential departure and criticized the handling of the move by the ownership.
  • Schools over Stadiums, a Nevada group, aims to block public funding for the A's Las Vegas stadium, highlighting concerns about education and public services in the state.
What's Next

The continuing tension between the A's ownership and fans, as well as the pushback against public funding for the Las Vegas stadium, may influence the team's decision-making and community relations moving forward.

Bottom Line

The boycott showcases the deep connection between sports franchises and their communities, emphasizing the impact of ownership decisions on fans and local interests, shaping the future of the team's relationship with its supporters.