Oregon Ducks had a mixed day with lacrosse losing a close match and baseball securing a victory over USC, while softball faced challenges with a player's injury.

By the Numbers
  • Oregon lacrosse lost to SDSU with a close score of 13-12.
  • Softball scored 5 runs against Arizona, with pitcher Elise Sokolsky standing out.
Yes, But

Oregon softball faced a setback with senior starter Hanna Delgado's injury, impacting their game.

State of Play
  • Oregon prepares to host Arizona State in lacrosse after the close loss to SDSU.
  • Baseball looks to sweep the series against USC after securing a win.
What's Next

Oregon Ducks are set to play a "rubber match" with Arizona in softball and aim for a series sweep against USC in baseball.

Bottom Line

Oregon Ducks' Saturday was a mix of triumph and challenges across lacrosse, softball, and baseball, showcasing the team's resilience and determination in the face of adversity.