GCU beach volleyball team had a split weekend trip in Hawai'i, going 2-2 in matches hosted by No.12 Hawai'i, starting with a dominant sweep against Portland.

By the Numbers
  • GCU defeated Portland 5-0.
  • GCU won in pairs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 against Portland.
Yes, But

Despite a strong start with a victory against Portland, GCU faced a 4-1 loss against Hawai'i in the second match.

State of Play
  • GCU split the weekend matches with 2 wins and 2 losses.
  • GCU's freshmen pairing impressed with a victory in the number three pair.
  • GCU's final regular season matches will be against California, Stanford, Washington, and UC Davis.
What's Next

GCU will have final regular season matches against California, Stanford, Washington, and UC Davis.

Bottom Line

The GCU beach volleyball team experienced a mixed weekend with a dominant victory against Portland but a subsequent loss to Hawai'i, highlighting the team's strengths and areas for improvement as they head into their final regular season matches.