Etowah claimed a 5-2 victory over Creekview in the series opener, despite a lackluster offensive performance, maintaining their winning streak and securing the Region 6AAAAAA title.

By the Numbers
  • The Eagles are 22-5 overall and 14-2 in the season.
  • Etowah secured their 10th consecutive victory with this win.
  • Creekview stands at 12-16 overall and 6-10 in the season.
  • Bandy pitched four no-hit innings with three strikeouts, while Rose pitched three innings with six strikeouts.
Yes, But

Etowah faced offensive struggles, emphasizing the need to enhance their hitting performance for upcoming games.

State of Play
  • Etowah clinched the Region 6AAAAAA title before this game.
  • Both teams will wrap up their regular season with a doubleheader in Canton.
  • Etowah will host a first-round series in the Class AAAAAA state tournament starting on April 25.
What's Next

Etowah will shift focus to the Class AAAAAA state tournament after completing their regular-season games.

Bottom Line

Etowah's ability to secure victories despite offensive challenges highlights their resilience and strong pitching performance as they gear up for the upcoming state tournament.