The Duquesne University football program hosted its 15th annual Bone Marrow Drive, resulting in over 300 new members joining the National Bone Marrow Registry to benefit the NMDP Get in the Game program and the Andy Talley Bone Marrow Foundation.

By the Numbers
  • Over 300 new members added to the National Bone Marrow Registry.
  • 155,000 registrants and 1,000+ donors collected since 2008 by the 'Get in the Game' program.
Yes, But

No significant counterarguments or complexities were reported.

State of Play
  • Over 250 schools participate in the 'Get in the Game' program.
  • Duquesne has been recognized for adding the most donors to the registry by the Andy Talley Bone Marrow Foundation.
  • Former student-athletes Ayden Garnes and Bella DiFabbo are recent donors resulting from the drive.
What's Next

The Bone Marrow Drive's success paves the way for continued partnerships with organizations like NMDP to save lives through cell therapy.

Bottom Line

The 15th Annual Bone Marrow Drive at Duquesne University showcased the community's dedication to helping others, resulting in a substantial increase in new registrants and reinforcing the importance of bone marrow donation in saving lives.