High school players who intercepted Caleb Williams recall their experiences, highlighting his talent and impact on the field. Williams, now a top prospect in college football, was a formidable force in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference. Despite his success, he was intercepted multiple times by players who remember those moments as career highlights.

By the Numbers
  • Good Counsel won 38-31, with Justin Jackson intercepting Williams twice, returning one for a touchdown.
  • Williams threw three interceptions in another game, one of which was by Curtis Walker Jr.
Yes, But

Williams' exceptional talent and impact are acknowledged by the players who intercepted him, recognizing his future potential and resilience.

State of Play
  • Williams is now a leading prospect in college football, with a transfer to USC and notable successes in the field.
  • Players who intercepted Williams reflect on their experiences and express support for his future career, despite their past on-field successes against him.
What's Next

Williams' journey and impact are likely to continue, with aspirations for a successful career and ongoing competition at the highest level of football.

Bottom Line

Despite intercepting Caleb Williams in high school, the players acknowledge his exceptional talent and look forward to his future success in college football and beyond, demonstrating respect and admiration for his skills and potential.