Towson Athletics will award 10 additional scholarships starting Fall 2024, funded by enrollment growth and savings from a new out-of-state scholarship, significantly closing the gap in scholarship funding with its Coastal Athletic Association peers by almost 50%.

By the Numbers
  • 10 additional athletics scholarships funded
  • 50% decrease in scholarship funding gap with CAA peers
  • Over 20-30 future Towson Tigers expected to benefit
  • 4 teams able to improve financial aid offerings
Yes, But

Some scholarship dollars faced limitations in offering to recruits, creating challenges for coaches.

State of Play
  • Additional scholarships to enhance competitiveness across almost half of Towson's athletics programs
  • New scholarships will positively impact the recruitment process for both in-state and out-of-state student-athletes
What's Next

The first student-athletes to benefit from the new scholarships will arrive in the upcoming academic year, driving immediate energy and excitement within Towson Athletics.

Bottom Line

Towson Athletics' decision to award additional scholarships marks a significant step towards enhancing competitiveness and demonstrating support for student-athletes, setting the stage for a more dynamic and inclusive recruitment process.