Jeff Faris, the head coach of Austin Peay State University football, is driven by high expectations to elevate the program's standards, emphasizing toughness and dedication from players. He aims to instill a culture of hard work and excellence, setting a new benchmark in the team's history with a strong focus on physicality. Faris prioritizes building relationships with his players and fostering a player-led team dynamic, evident in the team's progress and commitment during spring practices.

By the Numbers
  • Goal to achieve the best GPA in the history of Austin Peay football.
  • Emphasis on being the hardest-playing football team in the country.
State of Play
  • Team focused on summer workouts and maintaining high academic standards.
  • Development of a culture centered around toughness and physicality.
  • Continual progress and evolution under Faris' leadership.
What's Next

The team will continue to grow and evolve under Faris' guidance, aiming for new triumphs while honoring the program's history and building on past successes.

Bottom Line

Jeff Faris is leading Austin Peay football with a clear vision of raising the team's standards, instilling toughness, and fostering a culture of excellence and hard work, setting the stage for continued growth and success under his leadership.