The University of Washington football team's connection with Texas appears to be dwindling as new coach Jedd Fisch lacks any Texan players participating in spring football, a departure from the past. The program has a history of notable players and coaches from Texas, yet the current roster lacks this representation, with previous Texas players transferring or leaving for the NFL. Despite past efforts to recruit from Texas, the team is currently without Texan players, signaling a shift in the recruitment strategy.

By the Numbers
  • Seven UW players from Texas transferred or left the team last season.
  • The Huskies have had up to five Texas running backs on the roster in recent seasons.
Yes, But

Efforts have been made in the past to recruit and retain Texan talent, with successful instances of Texas players becoming key team members.

State of Play
  • New coach Jedd Fisch does not have any Texas players on the active roster for spring football.
  • Previous Texas players have either transferred, prepared for the NFL draft, or left the team for various reasons.
  • The team's connection with Texas, once strong, is currently lacking representation from the state.
What's Next

The arrival of two Texas recruits in June could mark the beginning of rebuilding Texas talent within the team, signaling a potential shift in recruitment focus back to the state.

Bottom Line

The University of Washington football program's current lack of Texan players highlights a shift away from previous recruitment patterns, potentially signaling a new direction under Coach Jedd Fisch.