In the Castilleja community, practicing in the Lower Gym has resulted in complaints of side effects like blurry vision and headaches among students, with reports of accidents and injuries due to slippery floors.

By the Numbers
  • Varsity basketball player Kirat Kaur '27 experienced problems in the Lower Gym since 7th grade.
  • Kaur and other students noted issues such as pulsing headaches, blurry vision, and difficulties in concentration while practicing in the Lower Gym.
Yes, But

Different perspectives exist on the factors contributing to the side effects in the Lower Gym, with Director of Sports Performance emphasizing the role of sleep, hydration, and nutrition over ventilation.

State of Play
  • Students report feeling more fatigued, experiencing visual processing difficulties, and having a less productive environment in the Lower Gym compared to the Upper Gym.
  • Color schemes, lighting, and lack of natural light are highlighted as contributing factors to the challenges faced in the Lower Gym.
What's Next

Optimizing productivity, safety, and comfort in the Lower Gym may require changes to address the reported side effects and create a more conducive environment for students and athletes.

Bottom Line

The 'Lower Gym Effect' at Castilleja raises concerns about student well-being and performance, urging for improvements to ensure a more suitable and supportive environment for physical activities and extracurricular pursuits.