The Seattle Seahawks drafted Michigan tight end AJ Barner in the fourth round, showing a departure from focusing solely on linemen in this year's draft.

By the Numbers
  • Barner was selected with the 121st overall pick.
  • He is seen as a potential receiving threat in addition to his role as a blocking tight end.
Yes, But

There are concerns about the historical underutilization of tight ends in the Seahawks' offense.

State of Play
  • Barner is open to any role the Seahawks have for him and is seen as fitting the physicality mold the team seeks.
  • The team's offensive coordinator is expected to find ways to involve both Barner and Noah Fant effectively in the game.
What's Next

It remains to be seen how Barner's potential as a receiving threat will be utilized in the Seahawks' offensive strategy.

Bottom Line

The Seattle Seahawks are looking to integrate AJ Barner into their offensive plans, balancing his blocking skills with his potential as a receiving asset, aiming for a more dynamic offensive approach.