Legendary Mets outfielder Darryl Strawberry, who recently recovered from a heart attack, is preparing for his own number retirement ceremony at Citi Field on June 1 after attending Dwight Gooden's ceremony in St. Louis. He described the challenges of his recovery, including feeling fatigued and weak, but expressed gratitude for his wife's support. Despite the scare, he has resumed his work as a traveling minister and is eager to shed the wearable defibrillator his doctors prescribed.

By the Numbers
  • Strawberry suffered a heart attack on his 62nd birthday.
  • He preached in front of 1,300 people at a recent religious event in Omaha, Neb.
Yes, But

There are concerns about potential health complications leading up to Strawberry's number retirement ceremony.

State of Play
  • Strawberry is feeling healthy and looking forward to his ceremony at Citi Field.
  • He aims to express gratitude to the fans and address regrets about leaving the Mets abruptly as a free agent.
What's Next

Strawberry anticipates a meaningful ceremony at Citi Field on June 1, where he plans to thank the fans and reconcile his departure from the team.

Bottom Line

Darryl Strawberry, amidst his recovery from a heart attack, is gearing up for a poignant moment at Citi Field as he prepares for his number retirement, aiming to express gratitude and seek closure with the Mets community.