Claire Boehm, a senior player for the Altamont girls basketball team, is known for her exceptional sacrifice and defensive skills, particularly for her ability to draw charges, which have been pivotal in the team's success, including a trip to the state tournament.

By the Numbers
  • Boehm finished with a remarkable 19 drawn charges during her final season.
  • Her defensive prowess contributed to the team's historic achievements, culminating in a visit to CEFCU Arena and the state tournament.
Yes, But

There is a debate about the importance of the charge in basketball, with some suggesting doing away with the call, but Altamont head girls basketball coach Craig Carr firmly values its impact on the game.

State of Play
  • Claire Boehm's notable defensive contributions have been recognized through the creation of a "Charge Wall" by the team's coach, emphasizing the significance of this often overlooked play.
  • Her legacy within the team is set to be defined by her unwavering willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good.
What's Next

Boehm's exceptional defensive skills and sacrificial mindset are likely to leave a lasting impact on the Altamont girls basketball team, guiding and inspiring future players.

Bottom Line

Claire Boehm's selfless and impactful defensive contributions, particularly her ability to draw charges, have not only been crucial for the team's success but have also established her as a standout player and a role model within the Altamont girls basketball program.