PLNU Women's Basketball has signed six new players for the upcoming 2024-25 season, following a successful run to the NCAA West Regional. The new recruits include four transfers—three from NCAA Division I programs and one from Division II—and two incoming freshmen, aiming to fill the gaps left by graduating players and strengthen the team's competitive edge.

By the Numbers
  • Alli McDonald: 16.4 points per game, 10.4 rebounds per game
  • Kaylee Byon: 7.2 points per game, 2.1 assists per game
  • Kendyl Carson: 5.5 points per game, 2.8 assists per game, 2.3 rebounds per game
Yes, But

While the six new players bring impressive stats and experience, integrating them into the team dynamics and ensuring they adapt to the coaching style and team culture will be crucial for PLNU's continued success.

State of Play
  • Four transfers are already experienced collegiate players
  • Two incoming freshmen add youthful energy and potential to the roster
  • Preparation includes a foreign tour to build team cohesion
What's Next

The focus will be on integrating the new players into the team through rigorous training sessions and the planned foreign tour, aiming to foster team chemistry and performance before the season starts.

Bottom Line

PLNU's Women's Basketball team has strategically bolstered its roster with both experienced transfers and promising freshmen, positioning themselves for another competitive season and aiming to exceed last year's accomplishments.