Mike Filer, former standout CFL center, has joined the Ottawa REDBLACKS as a guest coach, aiming to impart his extensive knowledge and leadership to the team's offensive line. Filer, who retired in 2021, has already made a significant impact, seamlessly transitioning from player to coach. His presence has been well-received by both young players and veterans, who respect his feedback and guidance. Though his coaching stint is temporary, Filer hopes to leverage this opportunity into a more permanent coaching role in the future.

By the Numbers
  • Filer played eight seasons in the CFL.
  • He is 33 years old.
Yes, But

Filer's transition might seem seamless, but coaching players who were once his peers could be challenging. There's a delicate balance between being a mentor and maintaining camaraderie with former teammates.

State of Play
  • Filer is currently serving in a temporary coaching capacity.
  • Players, both young and seasoned, are receptive to his coaching methods.
What's Next

Filer plans to maximize his temporary role by sharing as much knowledge as possible. He hopes his performance will lead to a longer-term coaching opportunity within the CFL or elsewhere.

Bottom Line

Mike Filer's entry into coaching with the Ottawa REDBLACKS exemplifies his enduring passion for football and his natural leadership abilities. This experience could open doors for a permanent coaching career, reflecting his deep connection to the game.