The New York Mets are preparing for significant roster changes ahead of June 1, historically a challenging period for the team. With varying performances among their bullpen, certain players are likely to be moved to create space for more reliable options. Josh Walker and Grant Hartwig, both relief pitchers with fluctuating stats, are prime candidates for demotion. The team's strategy involves rotating players between the majors and minors to optimize their roster effectively.

By the Numbers
  • Josh Walker: 3.60 ERA in 5 innings
  • Grant Hartwig: 6.75 ERA in 6.2 innings
Yes, But

Despite their potential and specific roles, Walker and Hartwig's inconsistent performances make their positions less secure. Walker's improved ERA doesn't guarantee long-term placement, while Hartwig's ability to pitch multiple innings may not suffice if he can't deliver better results consistently.

State of Play
  • The Mets' current bullpen strategy involves frequent promotions and demotions based on performance and team needs.
  • Walker and Hartwig are valuable for their ability to pitch as relievers but need to show more consistency to maintain their MLB roster spots.
What's Next

Expect the Mets to continue evaluating their bullpen closely. Safe bets indicate that Walker and Hartwig will be among the first to be sent back down to the minors before June 1 as the team seeks more stable and effective pitching options.

Bottom Line

The New York Mets are poised for more roster shuffles, with Josh Walker and Grant Hartwig likely heading back to the minors. Consistent performance will be key for any player wishing to secure a long-term spot on the team.