The New Orleans Saints will host the Las Vegas Raiders in Week 17, a matchup charged with more than just playoff implications for quarterback Derek Carr. After spending nine seasons with the Raiders before being cut in 2022, the game represents a significant opportunity for Carr to prove himself against his former team. Insights from former teammate Marcel Reece suggest that this game holds immense personal value for Carr, even though he will publicly downplay its significance. Beyond Carr, several other Saints, including head coach Dennis Allen and several ex-Raiders, share a sense of personal stakes in this game.

By the Numbers
  • Derek Carr spent 9 seasons with the Raiders before being cut in 2022.
  • The Saints defeated the Raiders 24-0 in their last matchup in Week 8 of the 2022 season.
Yes, But

Despite the hype, Carr is likely to treat this game with professional detachment, insisting it’s “just another game” to avoid emotional distractions. His preparation will focus on maintaining normalcy and sticking to routine, even though the underlying motivations are strong.

State of Play
  • Derek Carr is integrating into the Saints system after a long tenure with the Raiders.
  • Key Saints staff and players, including the head coach and defensive coordinator, also have history with the Raiders.
What's Next

As the season progresses, Week 17 will loom larger for both teams. Carr and the Saints will be strategizing to leverage this matchup, with personal and professional goals aligning for a climactic game that could impact playoff standings.

Bottom Line

Week 17's game between the Saints and Raiders is poised to be a pivotal and emotionally charged event for Derek Carr and several members of the Saints, intertwining personal redemption with team ambitions.