As district season approaches, Palmer Trinity School's spring sports teams, including softball, lacrosse, baseball, and track and field, are gearing up with high hopes. The Varsity Softball team, holding an 11-9 record, showcases strong unity and energy under Coach Cerda's mentorship. The Girls Lacrosse team has found its rhythm, focusing on both individual and team skills, while the Baseball team emphasizes teamwork and bond-building. Track and Field athletes prepare rigorously through intense practices and maintaining healthy lifestyles, aiming for state competitions after defending their district title.

By the Numbers
  • The Varsity Softball team holds an 11-9 record.
  • Softball beat rivals Gulliver 10-1.
  • The team plays 20 games before districts to prepare.
Yes, But

Despite their dedication, several teams faced significant challenges this season. The Girls Lacrosse team had only one coach with experience for both varsity and junior varsity. Varsity Softball struggled with insufficient experienced players initially. Track and Field dealt with constant disruptions to their practice schedule due to other spring events occupying the track.

State of Play
  • Softball and lacrosse teams emphasize both skill-building and team cohesion.
  • Baseball players focus on weightlifting and practicing individual positions.
  • Track and Field prepare through intense individual workouts and strict healthy routines.
What's Next

The next step involves competing in district championships, with teams aspiring for regional and state competitions. Performances this season will set the foundation for next year, aiming to elevate standards and achievements.

Bottom Line

Palmer Trinity School's spring sports teams showcase hard work, unity, and resilience as they head into district competitions, navigating challenges to emerge stronger and more cohesive. Future seasons are poised to build on this year’s efforts, setting an optimistic tone for greater success.