The St. Louis Cardinals are facing challenges in finding a replacement for injured pitcher Steven Matz, with Matthew Liberatore struggling to fill the gap effectively. Matz's return timeline remains uncertain as he continues to receive treatment for a lower back strain.

By the Numbers
  • Innings Pitched: Liberatore - Starter: 10, Reliever: 16.2
  • ERA: Liberatore - Starter: 8.10, Reliever: 3.78
  • wOBA: Liberatore - Starter: .428, Reliever: .292
  • Opponent BA: Liberatore - Starter: .305, Reliever: .232
Yes, But

Matthew Liberatore's struggles as a starting pitcher have plagued the Cardinals, leading to the urgent need for a fifth starter. The team must now navigate internal minor league options and consider external acquisitions to address the rotation gap.

State of Play
  • The Cardinals are actively seeking a solution to the fifth starter dilemma.
  • Internal minor league options exist, but external acquisitions are also under consideration.
What's Next

The Cardinals may opt to promote or sign a reliable fifth starter for immediate assistance or pursue a high-end pitcher to strengthen the rotation in the long term.

Bottom Line

With Steven Matz sidelined and Matthew Liberatore's struggles evident, the St. Louis Cardinals face a critical decision in securing a competent fifth starter to stabilize their rotation and enhance their competitiveness in the near and distant future.