On this day 25 years ago, Roger Clemens made his return from injury in a doubleheader in Chicago where the Yankees split the games against the White Sox, ending with a record of 23-18.

By the Numbers
  • Game 1: Yankees 10, White Sox 2
  • Game 2: Yankees 1, White Sox 2
Yes, But

Despite a strong comeback by Clemens and a solid performance in the first game, the Yankees fell short in the second game due to a controversial call by the umpire.

State of Play
  • Roger Clemens returned from injury and set an American League record for consecutive wins.
  • The Yankees ended the day with a split in the doubleheader, maintaining a solid record in the season.
What's Next

Looking ahead, the Yankees will regroup and aim to continue their success in the season, building on their strong performances and learning from the setbacks.

Bottom Line

The 1999 Yankees Diary reflects a mix of triumphs and challenges, showcasing the resilience of the team in the face of adversity and the determination to strive for excellence in every game.