The Chicago Cubs have the depth to trade for top players, but a major blockbuster deal is unlikely as per the team's roster strategy, amid interest in Vladimir Guerrero Jr. whose performance has not fully met expectations. The Cubs have struggled at first base and DH positions, making Guerrero a potential trade target. While the Cubs may not be averse to trading for Guerrero Jr., high asking prices may hinder such a move, with a focus on rebuilding the team. Despite Guerrero Jr.'s promising stats and young age, the Cubs may prioritize addressing their bullpen and catcher position, along with rotation needs, instead of pursuing a trade for him.

By the Numbers
  • Guerrero owns a 121 OPS+ this season with a slugging percentage of .385.
  • Cubs rookie Michael Busch has a 120 OPS+ and has been holding his own at first base.
Yes, But

The Cubs' main focus seems to be on overall team health and addressing key positions rather than pursuing a high-profile trade for Guerrero Jr.

State of Play
  • The Cubs have the prospect depth for major trades but are leaning towards a more conservative roster strategy.
  • Concerns persist around the bullpen, catcher position, and rotation, which may take precedence over a blockbuster trade.
What's Next

The Cubs are expected to prioritize strengthening their bullpen, catcher position, and rotation, focusing on team health and well-rounded improvements rather than pursuing a trade for Guerrero Jr.

Bottom Line

Amid speculation of a potential trade for Vladimir Guerrero Jr., the Cubs are likely to prioritize addressing key team needs and maintaining their depth, steering away from overpaying for a blockbuster trade in the near future.