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Kenley Jansen Wants Dodgers to Make One Tweak to Jackie Robinson Day Uniform

Kenley Jansen spent 12 seasons in the Los Angeles Dodgers bullpen closing out games while wearing his No. 74 jersey. Once every April, however, Jansen would join the rest of the league by wearing No. 42 on Jackie Robinson Day, MLB's annual holiday to honor a legend who changed the game forever. When that day rolls around in 2025, Jansen—now pitching for the Boston Red Sox—would like the Dodgers to go one step further. "It's unbelievable," Jansen said on the Flippin' Bats Podcast. "That feeling, I think it's a feeling that [you have] only when you wear that uniform. Even...

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Kenley Jansen Wants Dodgers to Make One Tweak to Jackie Robinson Day Uniform

Kenley Jansen Wants Dodgers to Make One Tweak to Jackie Robinson Day Uniform

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