Kaylin Olivas announced her resignation as the Cheyenne Central girls soccer coach, emphasizing the impact and relationships she's built over three seasons.

By the Numbers
  • Cheyenne Central went 2-10-3 in the past season under Olivas' coaching.
  • The team's overall record during Olivas' tenure was 11-26-5.
Yes, But

Olivas' departure may raise questions about the future direction and leadership of the Cheyenne Central girls soccer program.

State of Play
  • The resignation comes after Olivas led efforts to change the culture of the team towards a focus on work ethic and mental toughness.
  • Olivas' decision to resign was part of her regular reflection process at the end of each coaching season.
What's Next

With Olivas stepping down, the Cheyenne Central girls soccer program will undergo a leadership transition, creating opportunities for a new coach to continue building on the cultural changes initiated by Olivas.

Bottom Line

Kaylin Olivas' resignation marks the end of an era focused on relationships, impact, and cultural transformation within the Cheyenne Central girls soccer team, leaving a legacy that emphasizes more than just wins and losses.