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Q&A with Longmeadow volleyball player Eli Dignazio
Courtesy: Eli Dignazio

Q&A with Longmeadow volleyball player Eli Dignazio

LONGMEADOW, Mass. — Longmeadow High School upperclassman, Eli Dignazio spearheaded the effort to bring back boys volleyball to Longmeadow High School. Let’s learn about Eli’s efforts and what makes this motivated young man tick.

How did volleyball make it to LHS?

Eli Dignazio: In the summer of 2020, Covid had everything shut down and there was no travel. My neighbor, Henry Lukezic and I taught ourselves how to play volleyball in my backyard. We got pretty good, but as we became Freshmen, we learned that there was no longer a coach for boy’s volleyball and the program had folded. I spoke to the Athletic Director, Mr. Capotasto (AKA Cap) and asked if we could restart the program. He said if I could find ten committed people, he would consider finding a new coach. So, I asked all my friends to try out. Unfortunately, not many were interested. I began to ask boys who did not play spring sports. We eventually got to 10, including one upper classman, who played before Covid. Long story short, our 2021 LHS varsity team consisted of one Junior, one sophomore, and the rest were freshmen and eighth graders! This year, the program has a full varsity and JV team and will be graduating eight seniors.

How long have you been playing volleyball?

Dignazio: I have been playing for four years and I decided to try it because I was looking to try a different sport. I grew up playing soccer and basketball up until 8th grade.

Courtesy: Eli Dignazio

Why do you enjoy playing for the Lancers?

Dignazio: Last year only one varsity player graduated. And with the whole team playing club VB during the offseason, our team looks as strong as ever. Playing on a team with great chemistry and terrific guidance from Coach Pat Curry, leads to a fun and competitive team.I love that there are many kids who are willing to try different sports and expand their athletic abilities.

What colleges are you looking into attending?

Dignazio: I am committed as an outside hitter for Regis College. I am excited to play next year with more intense competition.

What do you hope to be doing after you graduate from college?

Dignazio: I plan to work towards a career in speech pathology.

What do you enjoy doing away from school and volleyball?

Dignazio: I enjoy listening to music and video games. I also go to the gym daily.

Describe how supportive your family is in everything you do in your life.

Dignazio: My family is completely supportive of everything related to my sport and helps me further pursue my volleyball career everyday.

If you were given a million dollars and had to give it to one charity, which one would you choose?

Dignazio: Autism Speaks. It’s a cause that has a lot of personal impact to me.

What’s three things that people don’t know about you.

Dignazio: My favorite animal is turtles, I am a photographer and I revived the LHS boy’s volleyball with the help of some of my teammates after it was shutdown during the pandemic.

When was the last time you danced?

Dignazio: Junior prom and heck, yeah I’m good. Just kidding – I was on crutches at the time.

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