The Houston Texans traded DeAndre Hopkins for David Johnson, a 2020 second-round pick, and a 2020 fourth-round pick, a move widely criticized. Both teams ultimately lost in the trade, with Hopkins having a brief success with the Cardinals before PED suspension and a move to the Titans. Johnson, though productive briefly, declined rapidly due to injuries. The Texans, desperate for a running back, were willing to overlook Johnson's decline. The trade is deemed one of the worst for both teams.

By the Numbers
  • The Texans traded DeAndre Hopkins for David Johnson, a 2020 second-round pick, and a 2020 fourth-round pick.
  • Hopkins had one good year with the Cardinals before being suspended and shifting to the Titans.
  • Johnson had a brief resurgence with the Texans but quickly declined due to injuries.
Yes, But

The decline of both players post-trade raises questions about the motivations and assessments made by the teams during the trade.

State of Play
  • The trade left both teams in a worse position, failing to fully benefit from the players acquired.
  • DeAndre Hopkins bounced back with the Titans after a brief success with the Cardinals.
What's Next

The legacy of this trade will likely stand as a cautionary tale for NFL teams, emphasizing the importance of evaluating trades thoroughly to avoid such detrimental outcomes.

Bottom Line

The trade between the Texans and the Cardinals involving DeAndre Hopkins and David Johnson stands out as a prime example of how deals in the NFL can go wrong, underscoring the need for prudence and careful evaluation in player transactions.