The USC Trojans have two key position coaches, Eric Henderson and Josh Henson, crucial for the team in 2024. While both are pivotal for USC's line play, a closer look reveals a fundamental difference. Eric Henderson is seen as the coaching staff's hope, expected to elevate the defensive line to a top-tier unit with his impressive credentials. In contrast, Josh Henson is the staff's concern, facing pressure to prove himself after a challenging 2023 season and recruitment worries. Despite both being vital coaches, Henderson and Henson have distinct roles and expectations for the upcoming season at USC.

By the Numbers
  • Eric Henderson tasked with transforming talent into top-tier defensive line unit
  • Josh Henson under scrutiny for player development and recruitment concerns
  • Henderson brings hope, Henson faces pressure
Yes, But

While both coaches are essential, Eric Henderson's upside contrasts with Josh Henson's need to prove himself and address recruitment issues.

What's Next

Future developments will likely hinge on the performance and impact of Eric Henderson and Josh Henson during the 2024 USC season.

Bottom Line

Eric Henderson and Josh Henson play critical but differing roles at USC, with high expectations on Henderson's transformative abilities and Henson's need to deliver results amid recruitment challenges.