Minnesota Vikings' star Justin Jefferson is aiming for a groundbreaking contract, aspiring to be paid at the level of top NFL quarterbacks, with a reported desire for $40 million annually and about $100 million guaranteed.

By the Numbers
  • 13 quarterbacks in the NFL have contracts worth $40 million or more annually.
  • A.J. Brown holds the current highest-paid wide receiver title with an average annual value of $32 million.
Yes, But

Vikings ownership shows reluctance towards offering fully guaranteed contracts outside the quarterback position, presenting a potential hurdle in meeting Jefferson's demands.

State of Play
  • Justin Jefferson, with the most receiving yards per game in the NFL over the past four seasons, is pushing for a landmark contract.
  • The Vikings and Jefferson have been in negotiations, with the player seeking terms that could reshape wide receiver contracts.
What's Next

The outcome of the contract negotiations between Justin Jefferson and the Minnesota Vikings will likely set a new standard for wide receiver compensation in the league.

Bottom Line

Justin Jefferson's contract ambitions could redefine how wide receivers are compensated in the NFL, potentially setting a precedent for fully guaranteed deals in the position.