Wolves have announced a significant increase in season ticket prices for the 2024-25 season, with most adults facing a 17% hike and some supporters experiencing even larger jumps. The club sent renewal rates to current season ticket holders, revealing substantial price hikes, including a 133% increase for under-14s in the family enclosure. Chairman Jeff Shi defended the increases, stating they align with those of Premier League rivals and are crucial for the club's commercial growth and competitiveness.

By the Numbers
  • Under-14 season tickets in the family enclosure rose by 133% from £105 to £245
  • Under-21 prices increased by 46.6% from £382 to £560
  • Adult season tickets in certain stands went up by almost 23%
  • Adult season tickets behind the goals rose by 17.6%
Yes, But

The price hikes have not been publicly announced beyond emails to current season ticket holders, potentially sparking backlash or disappointment among fans.

State of Play
  • Wolves have informed current season ticket holders of the price increases but have not made a wider announcement.
  • Chairman Jeff Shi defended the price hikes, emphasizing the club's need for commercial growth and competitiveness.
What's Next

Further reactions from fans and potential impacts on season ticket sales and fan engagement may unfold in response to these price increases.

Bottom Line

Wolves' decision to raise season ticket prices significantly for the upcoming season reflects their strategy to align with Premier League peers and prioritize commercial growth, despite potential backlash from supporters.