André Onana believes that winning the FA Cup would not be sufficient to rescue Manchester United's troubled season, despite facing their lowest Premier League finish and heading to the final against Manchester City. Onana emphasized the importance of finishing well and securing a spot in the Europa League, acknowledging the challenging season and stating that FA Cup victory alone wouldn't deem it successful.

By the Numbers
  • André Onana made 149 saves in the Premier League this season.
  • Manchester United conceded a combined 38 attempts in their last two league games.
Yes, But

Despite Onana's perspective, some may argue that winning a prestigious title like the FA Cup could still be a significant achievement and boost for Manchester United.

State of Play
  • Manchester United is preparing for the FA Cup final against Manchester City at Wembley on Saturday.
  • Despite challenges, United managed to secure victories in their final league games against Newcastle and Brighton.
  • The team has faced numerous injuries throughout the season, impacting their performances.
What's Next

Manchester United will continue to strive for success and look to navigate through their challenging season, focusing on the upcoming FA Cup final.

Bottom Line

While André Onana downplays the potential impact of an FA Cup victory on United's season, the team's focus remains on the vital match against Manchester City and the significance of finishing the season on a positive note.